Vibra ENG

Vibra ENG

72 Lots.
We found a place with a very good energy, quiet and guarded by a beautiful mountain.

Vibra ENG

We asked the mountain for permission and listened to move forward.

We are the mountain’s guests, we understand that calm, respect, and balance is the way we want to live, we believe that green relieves, that the forest recharges, that the wind takes away what we do not want and that the important things in life are made with good energy.

Vibra ENG

We are part of the Volta vision, located in the fourth quadrant of the Nuevo Alto de las Palmas (NAP), neighbors of Villa Serena, near Medellin and Envigado, 2.8 kms from the Indiana Mall, in the middle of a high-level school district.

Data sheet

# de lotes

ETAPA I : 72


Directo con Ubicca


En prelanzamiento

Forma de pago

60% cuota inicial - 40% cuota financiamiento


Scotiabank Colpatria


Espiral - 5 sólidos - Sr Wheel - 301

desde - hasta

1800 m² - 3800 m²


En prelanzamiento

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