El Herbal ENG

El Herbal ENG

20 Lots
To connect with your roots, with each of your senses and the land you inhabit.

El Herbal ENG

Connect with the earth.

As we move further away from nature every day, we become disconnected from its true value, and lose the sense of living with it as part of who we are. The Herbal invites you to escape the stress of a hectic life and plant roots in a housing project in perfect harmony with its space.

El Herbal ENG

In Llanogrande, near Don Diego, Vivero Tierra Negra sector, at 2.5 kms from Llanogrande mall.

Data sheet

# de lotes



Directos con Ubicca


Último trimestre de 2019. Con plazos de pago

Forma de pago

60 - 40



5 Sólidos - Sr Wheel - Greenfield

desde - hasta

1400 m² - 2650 m²


Finalización de obra

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